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What is the Trade-UP Program? How does it work?

Empower your wellness journey with the CHI Palm and our innovative Trade Up Program. You can choose from two convenient options to upgrade your older Infratonic product.

Preferred Trade Up Process:  Send us your older unit as a Trade Up.  Once received, we’ll call you to complete a discounted price of your Trade Up for a new I-11 CHI Palm and process your order.

Alternate Trade Up Process:  Purchase a new CHI Palm at full price, then send us your older Trade Up unit within thirty (30) days of the CHI Palm purchase.  Once the Trade Up unit is received, we will issue a check within thirty (30) days in the amount of the Trade Up discount of your unit and send the check to you via USPS mail.

Equitonic, Scalene Light, Nessor


Infratonic 9, S-Liberator, Vital Rest


Infratonic 8, Infratonic 8000


QGM, Chaos, Mobile Medic or Magic, Infrasound, and Soni Calm


Comments (4)

  1. I have an infratonic 9 . Is that eligible to trade in for the new chi palm? If so, what would I get as a trade in and when can I expect the new chi palm? Blessings ,FatherVincent J. Rumain

    1. Hello Father Vincent J. Rumain,

      We are expecting our next shipment of CHI Palms to to come into us around the 3rd week of February 2021 and since this will be a larger shipment than our first we are hoping to allow trade ins again at that time. The Infratonic 9 does not currently have a trade in value but we will be revamping our trade in program when we receive the 2nd shipment in February to include the Infratonic and Equitonic 9’s. Please let us know if we may be of further assistance. 🙂

      -The CHI Team

    1. Hello Brenda,

      Yes you can trade in your Infratonic 8 without a receipt. You would just fill out the trade in form at the link below and submit it and then send your unit in to us at:

      CHI Institute
      Atten: Repair Center
      4374 Dant Blvd
      Reno Nv 89509

      Once its been received by our repair department we will reach out to process the order with your trade up value applied.

      Please include a note in the box with your name, number, email address, shipping address, and note that the unit is being sent in for the purpose of a trade up.

      -The CHI Team

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