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An Amazing Tool in Any Healing Process

I am sharing this story so that others may benefit, but first some background. Her 61-year-old daughter, who is a retired nurse, escorted the patient, who is 86, into my office. The mother had fallen flat on her back on a cement sidewalk, and could not move. Her medical doctor, Dr. Kern, was on vacation. She was in such pain that I could not perform any range of motion or orthopedic tests. She could not move enough to be gowned for x-rays. The x-ray revealed compressed fractures of T-12 and L-1; however, she had no bruising.

I placed the Infratonic transducer directly over the site of pain for 20 minutes at low. Then I scheduled her for the next appointment and sent the machine home with them with specific instructions. I called the patient daily to monitor her progress. The fall was three days before her first appointment. In that time, she could not eat or sleep. Her digestive system seemed to shut down, as she reported being constipated. This experience has rekindled my respect for the Infratonic. It has also brought in more referrals. I just wanted to share this “Infratonic moment” with you.

Incidentally, the patient came into my office last week because she was taking a 12-day Caribbean cruise and wanted a session with the Infratonic for her knee. Two months ago she had fractured vertebrae. It is truly an amazing tool in any healing process.

-Roger D. Stock, DC (Pittsburgh, PA)

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