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Broadened Horizons of Her New Life

A 44-year-old female, a miracle of survival who has endured a life-long ventricular septal defect (surgically repaired in 1991) with a pacemaker. Following three years of effective massage therapy, begun in 1998, each three weeks at the patient’s home, during which the patient developed a stronger self-integration emotionally, physically and spiritually, the Infratonic was introduced in April 2001 into the therapeutic protocol.

At each two-hour session (each three weeks for nearly one year of home care) the Infratonic was placed, after sweeping the entire body, on the anterior and posterior chest [Placing the CHI Palm within 6 inches of an implanted, electronic device is contraindicated] depending on whether the patient was lying supine or prone. At times the placement was on the low back, at the neck and on occasion on the knees and feet. Following treatment the patient would also hold the transducer at the forehead, temple or suboccipital areas for some minutes of time. There was no interference produced in the pacemaker nor a reduction in the patient’s comfort level, which actually increased with the use of the Infratonic. Therapeutic work during this particular year was directed at improving the physical person, i.e. the bony structure and its attachments, especially the sternum and rib cage that had been traumatically sawed and retracted during open-heart surgery in 1991.

Therapeutically over the years, the body’s tissues received encouragement to release old trauma and to recognize a current state of health and wellbeing. Each session with the Infratonic brought more and more release of long-held physical memory. For the past three months since March 2002, the patient has felt the courage to come to the clinic itself each three weeks to take advantage of the specialized equipment that provides motion during the adjusting and therapeutic processes. The Infratonic is used on the anterior and posterior chest as during the previous home therapy, with the additional benefit of spinal motion contributing increased mobilization to the body’s tissues and stimulus to the body’s neural receptors. Nutritional counseling has been provided over the years as well, with excellent results and a commitment by the patient to continue increasing her health.

Throughout this time, as the patient has been able to experience more positive self-awareness and a new pacemaker has provided more stamina, a higher level of integrative function has emerged which provides greater vitality and expanded personal expectations. At her most recent visit to the clinic, this patient glowed as she said with conviction, “I am so deeply happy!” The musculoskeletal and biomechanical improvements in this patient have blossomed, especially during this third month of full integrative care at the clinic, couple with critical nutritional therapy. “Have you grown taller lately?” is a question she has heard. With her erect posture, greater energetic projection and newly visible outward vitality – aspects of life she has never had due to pre-surgical cardiac incompetence and post-surgical recovery processes – she has begun to define broadened horizons of her new life.

-Mary Berry, DC (Richland Hills, TX)

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