Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Anxiety, Depression, Lupus, lower back injury, Arthritis in feet and knees. I currently use the Infratonic Chaos model [Latest Version is CHI Palm] on high setting continually at night. I place it on my lower back 10 minutes, upper back 20-15 minutes and fall asleep with it on my chest for relaxation. I feel much more relaxed after placing it on my chest at night.
I do still have to take painkillers, however, because of the intense pain. I am able to sleep much better. I also found that after 2 surgeries (hysterectomy and repair of tennis elbow) that my recovery time was much shorter than others who had the same surgeries. I was back at work in 3 weeks after the hysterectomy and after 1 week in a cast my elbow had full range of motion.
-Luann Lee (Hutchinson, KS)
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