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Full Recovery in ¼ the Time

I broke my wrist. I slipped on some ice. A hand specialist doctor said it would take at least a year to heal, and that I would maybe regain 20% use of my left hand. I’m a full-time energy worker for the last 25 yrs, and loosing 80% use of my hand was unacceptable. I had 4.5 hours of surgery, which the doctor said would lengthen the recovery time. Immediately after surgery I was thinking of what to do to keep the swelling down and increase the blood circulation.

The only piece of mail that day was your newsletter with a lead article on how to heal a broken wrist with your Chi machine! Dahhh… I ordered it and received it the next day. I used it a minimum of 2 hrs. per day. After the surgery I had an external fixator with 4 screws and 2 pins. I found that the best results occurred when I used the Chi machine on the primary lymph nodes along my armpit, neck, and my elbow, before applying it to my wrist area.

Results: the next time my doctor saw me he said; “It should have taken a minimum of a year to recover with 6 months of physical therapy. You’ve had no therapy and you are functioning at 100% after 3.5 months.” That’s almost 1/4 the projected time of recovery. I employed several other methods of healing including my many years of experience doing Zero-Balancing. But still, 3.5 months and 100%! Thank you, thank you, thank you…. I hope this inspires others. With deep gratitude I and my clients thank you.

– Larry Adams

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