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He Responded Immediately

My 85-year-old client, who I was working with for stiffness and sore muscles, began complaining about difficulty breathing. I tried a lung point. He responded immediately saying his breathing capacity had expanded while I placed the QGM [Latest Version is CHI Palm] on those points. We decided to proceed with the lung and respiratory points.

Ralph called the next day, so excited, because he had mowed the entire lawn without taking breaks every 5-10 minutes. We started with 5 minutes on low, moving up to high. He returned a couple times a week, and now only twice a month, unless he has a flair up with cold and dampness. We are now using the point suggested in the book “Simply a Safer Way.” He still takes meds, but not as strong or as often. His doctors still have not said if he has emphysema or asthma.

-Jeanne Jacob (Crown Point, IN)

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