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I’m Able to Do Things I Haven’t Been Able to Do for a Long Time

Several years ago, I was in an automobile accident that injured my upper and lower back, as well as my neck. This accident was followed by a couple of other accidents that further exacerbated my condition. For years following the accidents, I was treated weekly by a chiropractor, massage therapist, and acupuncturist because of the pain and muscle spasms involved. In addition, I suffer with Fibromyalgia and Arthritis so my condition was compounded.

I have used the QGM [Latest Version is CHI Palm] daily since I purchased it (anywhere from 20 minutes to a few hours) on numerous points all over my body for the last several years. I started out using the QGM sometimes a couple of hours a day or more. Because my body is so much better, I now use the QGM only 30 minutes to an hour every couple of days. I am a true believer that the QGM works, though I also admit that my injuries were so severe, it took several years for me to reach the point at which I am now. I believe that the key is patience and that the QGM can only unleash the pain and trauma in each individual’s body as that body permits.

I have reduced the amount of painkillers that I used to take by about half. Probably most noticeably is that for the past year, I have been able to do things that I haven’t been able to do for a long, long time. In addition for the past year or so I have not needed to use a chiropractor, massage therapist, or acupuncturist to help me manage the pain. I feel that I have definitely recovered a great deal over the past few years. At one point, I was unable to go out even for a few hours without severe pain. That is no longer the case.

-Bettyanne Moore (Vacaville, CA)

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