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My CHI Palm Allows Me to Walk without Pain

I have arthritis that is bone on bone in my left knee. My Chiropractor suggested I use one. I used a CHI Palm (Infratonic 11) and I use it for one or two 5-minute sessions depending on how much my knee hurts and I get pain releif right after the session. I use it on the highest intensity setting and on Acute mode. Actually I pulled a lot of weeds today, and my knee hurts with every step. I have my Palm on my knee right now and in 15 minutes I’ll be able to walk without pain. My CHI Palm allows me to walk without pain.

I get shots in my knees and I use ice and pain relievers.  When they still don’t allow me to walk without pain, my CHI Palm does.  It’s the best thing I’ve bought.

Cathy | Illinois

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