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Mental Clarity
Neck and Knee Pain Eliminated + Added Mental Clarity
Neck and Knee Pain Eliminated + Added Mental Clarity

Dear Byron and Gina,

I want to thank the both of you for all your help to me!!! God bless the both of you and Richard! You are all in my prayers! If I win the contest at the end of the month, someone else will be a winner with the help it will give them!

Here are some of my thoughts:

I want people to know that an excellent gift they could give to themselves would be to purchase a CHI Sun! After using the CHI Sun on my neck the first time, I was almost totally pain free. After the second time, I was totally free of pain! Nothing else that I tried or used did much to help at all. Then I tried it on my knee pain and it disappeared! It has been a problem for several years! I also noticed much more mental clarity and that I have more energy!

I loaned the CHI Sun to my friend and she used to on her neck and her pain is gone! Then she used it on her leg and that pain is gone! She has been suffering with both of them for a long time. She asked me to order a CHI Sun for her yesterday. So, be good to yourself and get a CHI Sun for yourself!

So, be good to yourself and get a CHI Sun for yourself!

Many thanks again and God bless you!
Sr. Jane Mary Kelly

PS. It was so nice to talk to the both of you!

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