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Pain Would Subside Quickly

While holding one of my mares to be shoed/trimmed, she reared up, struck out her front feet and struck my…

Relax Clenched Muscles

I have damage to my left cranial nerve as a result of MVA in January 1993. As a result of…

Pain Was Significantly Decreased

Severe costochondritis (inflammation of tissue connecting ribs to breast bone; associated with fibromyalgia). Used Infrasonic 8 [Latest Version is CHI…

Works Great for Her Every Time…

Sheila uses the Infratonic 8 [Latest Version is CHI Palm] on the Spirit setting for colon problems, especially constipation. She…

Pain and Weakness Are Gone

I fell off an 8-foot wall and landed head first on concrete (made a terrible “crack” sound). Hospital said “concussion.”…

More Relaxed at Bedtime

Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, poor digestive and elimination functions, low energy/qi, sleep disturbance. Long treatments on sternum and below navel.…

I Feel Like Myself Again

After a series of tests three years ago, my doctor told me I had CFS. When he informed me that…

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