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Significantly More Powerful

I lay on my back and place the CHI Sun anywhere from my navel to solar plexus. My mind goes into an active meditation, where I gently process my current emotions / what I’ve recently learned. I usually do this at night, just before bed and sometimes during the day when it’s necessary. These are stressful times.

The 2.0 is significantly more powerful. When I tilt it as it rests on my abdomen, the magnetic sound becomes more intense. With the 1.0, the sound is consistent as if the 2.0 is reacting to the surface area more. I can also feel the energies of the 2.0 on my abdomen more. It seems to be more penetrating, similar to the Infratonic, but not as intense. As you know, the Infratonic is in a league of its own. — Matt


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