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Thank You CHI Institute for Developing this Great Machine…

I injured my knee while getting up from the floor. I am a very heavy person. I pulled tendons and muscles and popped my knee out. It took several adjustments from a chiropractor to get it back in place, but it would not stay in place. The pain was something else. So I decided after a couple weeks when it did not get better on its own to try the QGM [Latest Version is CHI Palm]. The first treatment was for 1-1/2 hours (Mind) placed directly on knee. That night, another two hours on muscles and tendons around knee and under the knee.

The next day it felt a little better. So that day I sat for eight hours and applied it half way up my leg, all around and under my knee, halfway down my leg and below my knee. The next day I could not believe how good I felt. I placed the transducer on the spots and also swept from my upper thighs through the tips of my toes. I used it each night for the rest of the week. Now I have no more pain. Also, when the chiropractor adjusted it after that, it stayed in place. Thank you CHI Institute for developing this great machine.

Karen Rauch, Jenera, OH

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