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The CHI Sun Has Been Amazing

Hi, I’m Rebecca Low, I am a client of Kristina Sullivan’s. I wanted to take a moment to tell you about my experience thus far with the CHI Sun and Home Guard. I’ve been using them for a few weeks now. I am a pre school teacher and since I started using the home guard I have found the aches and pains I leave work with seem to lesson and often dissipate once I get home (the guard is next to my couch where I have a hub of electrical outlets and many things plugged in).

I have also found that when I sit on my couch for longer periods of time I’m not experiencing lower back pain anymore.
It also occurred to me this week that it is definitely contributing to my physical health (most likely the chi sun as well!). I’ve felt a bit under the weather and usually I get sick, can’t function and miss work. However, that hasn’t happened and the only thing that’s changed is using the chi products!

The chi sun has been amazing. The very first time I used it, I felt a deep sense of calm and relaxation, like I was coming back to myself and in my energy almost instantly. The sensation I felt is almost indescribable, almost like I was back in the womb, warm, gentle, peaceful, and safe. When I use it at night I find I sleep better (not waking up multiple times a night or waking up in my head or with nervous energy) and wake up happier and more energized. Especially with the eclipses this month and the bone deep exhaustion I often experience. I’m excited to continue my journey with these products and to explore the other ones that you offer!

Rebecca Low

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