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The Continuous Setting and the Whole Body Approach Have Been Very Beneficial For Me…

I have been a ballpark vendor for 39 years. I run up and down the steps at ball games selling cold beer, soda, etc. I am also a heavy equipment operator, which means that I sit in a cramped cab of a machine and hit throttle, brake, throttle, brake with my foot for 8 or more hours per day. Due to the heavy stresses that my legs and ankles have been under, I had developed pain, swelling and stiffness in my lower extremities. When the Phillies baseball team was out of town, I was pretty close to normal in my ankle size, and I could walk without a limp. But after the first game of a home stand, I would get pain and swelling. I would also be limping.

Previously with my old QGM [Latest Version is CHI Palm] I would have a lessening of pain after direct applications over a period of days. I would not return to almost normal till the team had left town for a couple of days. With the Infratonic 8 [Latest Version is CHI Palm] I placed the machine by my bed and let it run through the night. I received indirect treatment with a minimum of 2 hours at each three modes.

Lo and behold! When I got up the next morning I couldn’t believe it. There was no pain, swelling or stiffness. I could walk without a limp. This has continued since I first started using the I8 in April. Previously I had been using the direct approach on my ankle.  The continuous setting and the whole body approach have been very beneficial for me. Thank you.

Byron A. Sharpe Jr., Bala Cynwyd, PA

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