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The Doctor Could Not Believe My Progress!

Three years ago, I had a torn rotator cuff in the left shoulder and had surgery on it, which was painful and took forever to heal. One year later, the right rotator cuff tore! I remembered the horrible ordeal and this time was more prepared. I was introduced to a lady that knew about your Infratonic machine and offered to lend me hers for my impending ordeal. Let me tell you!!!!

I immediately began using the Infratonic, placing it on the site, sleeping with it on the spot, moving it around the shoulder area and the repaired bicep muscle, even moving it around on the back of the shoulder where the tense muscles were affected.

Within a week, I was moving around with little pain and within two weeks, I was pain free. The doctor could not believe my progress! My left shoulder took one year to heal and my right shoulder took only weeks! Maybe I could be an advertisement for you!

Marlene Eaton

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