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Treatments Helped Him in So Many Other Ways I Could Not Have Imagined…

We have a Community Thrift Shoppe on one side of a duplex and on the other side, we have what we call the Cottage Meetinghouse, in which meetings for the community are held (health topics for all ages, weight control and exercise, music lessons, etc.). A gentleman came in one day to buy some toys for his nephews. He was so tired.

I told him about the QGM [Latest Version is CHI Palm]  and he asked to try it out. He had a long history of pain and fatigue. He was a representative of a large trucking company and had to travel a lot. He had been to chiropractors who helped with his back pain, but could not find anything that would help with the fatigue and pain in area of liver and gall bladder. He was irritable, unable to rest. I could tell that he was very sincere in getting help. Used (Mind) and continued to be used for 3 consecutive treatments) and the transducer was placed under the left foot for 10 minutes, and then the right foot for 10 minutes. We did not talk during this time. Each shoulder was then rubbed very, very slowly with the transducer. In 25 minutes, he was almost asleep. “I haven’t rested that well in years!” he commented. He was energized, calm, and had no pain. He reported the next week that he was pain free for 2 days and slept really well for 2 nights.

At that time, he did not know he had gallstones. After coming twice a week, for 3 months, he reported he was more energetic, had better digestion, and was more calm and patient with his customers. Then the gallstone attack hit and he had emergency surgery. He returned in a week for a treatment. He was healing very fast, and he said the doctor could not understand why he was recuperating so fast. He was able to go back to work one and a half weeks sooner than the doctor had predicted. The surgeon had given and prescribed painkillers, but he stated that he did not have to take them.

I had told him how to recreate, with his mind, the sensation of the treatment, as best he could, and he said that imagining the treatment was helpful but the real thing was better! Also, the scar disappeared! He said he knew it was due to the treatments because he had always been slow to heal, and prone to infections. He said that the treatments definitely help him get into a deep sleep and feel refreshed in the morning. He said that his emotions improved because his pain had diminished so much. People would come in to the Meetinghouse and see the treatment given, and he was always ready to give him his testimony about the machine. Treatments helped him in so many other ways I could not have imagined.

June Bradford, Roseville, GA

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