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Unwinding with the CHI Sun

Most people comment on how the CHI Sun helps them relax or sleep, but for me, the CHI Sun has been very effective with my anxiousness and clarity.

 Anxiousness:  Sometimes when I have phone conversations with my ex-wife, I find myself unconsciously reaching for my CHI Sun.  I put it in my shirt pocket and within seconds feel my anxiousness melt away.  I’m sure that the feeling is mutual, I’m going to send her a CHI Sun for her Birthday!

The last time I went to the DMV I took my CHI Sun with me, “just in case”.  I had an appointment with the DMV, but when I checked in they said it would be a 2-hour minimum wait.  I went out to my car and retrieved my CHI Sun and put it in my left jacket pocket, then walked back into the DMV, sat down, turned the Sun on, and simply closed my eyes.  That two hours actually only ended up being about 45 minutes,…that’s a first!  Instead of having anxiety and being stressed over a situation that was out of my control, I simply sat in my chair and let the CHI Sun work its magic.

 Clarity:  During deep thought about personal and professional situations that I need to address and sort out, I’ll sit down in my Lazy Boy chair at home, place my CHI Sun in the center of my chest, and just close my eyes for 15 minutes.  I start to feel as if a knotted rope is unraveling and pulling out straight, and I have more clarity regarding my situation that I’m contemplating.

I compare using the CHI Sun to time spent showering in the morning or when I take long road trips,…that’s where some of my best ideas and solutions used to come to me.

Now I have the CHI Sun to help me ‘clear the air’ in my mind.

Randy – April 2024

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