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We Started Using the CHI Sun Several Times a Week on Romeo

I decided to write up a couple of the changes I have been seeing in the months since we started using the Chi Sun several times a week on Romeo.  The first thing was how quickly Romeo (our daughter’s 7 year old Shepard mix) recovered  physically, mentally, and emotionally after having been attacked while leashed, on a walk in his neighborhood—by a Pit Bull.  Physically, his wounds healed within a couple of weeks, and he is almost back to normal.  The hair the vet shaved off to expose the bites along his ribs have nearly grown back.

Romeo has almost regained his confidence and friendly personality personality, even bravely playing with new dogs at a new day care, something I didn’t know whether to expect.  He was so traumatized after the attack! Prior to the incident, he’d been such a confident, playful, outgoing but respectful boy.  Gradually, he has recovered most of his former personality.

Yesterday, he was visiting at our house and the noise from the airplanes practicing for the Huntington Beach Airshow was very loud as they flew over our back yard.  We live about 3 miles from the beach.  He almost seemed to ignore the loud engine noises!  In previous years, he has been frightened and nervous during Airshow week.

Richard, thank you for the amazingly effective devices you have invented!  Gina, thank you for listening to my Romeo stories and for encouraging me to share my experiences with the Chi Sun.

To be fair, we have been using the Chi Palm frequently during the whole time, but these improvements occurred after we got our Chi Sun.

Mary Milazzo

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