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With the Infratonic 8 They Flew Away…

The first sparrow flew into my backyard window and was unconscious with her mouth opened. I moved her near the electrical outlet and the blood ran from her mouth. I circled the Infratonic 8 [Latest Version is CHI Palm] around her head area for a few minutes then placed it next to her head (Body). Soon her eyes were opened and I put a few drops of sugar water in her mouth. After about 10 minutes, she flew off about three feet, rested, and flew another 6 feet, rested and flew up to a tree, rested and flew across the pool and away.

I do not know whether she lived. The second sparrow hit the window with a big thump. Her eyes were opened with heavy breathing. Circled the Infratonic 8 (Body) around her head and dropped a few drops of sugar water in her mouth. In 5 minutes she flew away and was gone. I do not know whether she lived either. It was amazing because both birds looked as if they were dead. With the Infratonic 8 they flew away.

Tutsie S, Phoenix, AZ

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