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Wouldn’t Want to be Without One

I got up from my desk and somehow my foot didn’t go the way my body went. I twisted my knee and all of my body weight fell on it twisted. The pain was so intense that I saw stars and felt sick to my stomach. My co-workers helped me, back into my chair. They put ice on my knee and told me to sit there awhile I put my foot up and left the ice on it. By the end of the day, I was feeling better, so when I got home I started cleaning by running my sweeper. Well I did the same exact thing as I had done at work, and down I went only this time I was DOWN!

I called my neighbor and told her of my situation. Judy put the Infratonic machine on me for two hours. At the end of two hours, she iced my knee, wrapped it and gave me a crutch. I returned two more days and we did the same exact thing. In three days, I could walk with no swelling and very little pain. The X-ray in three days showed only a little bruise on my knee. I know of others who have done what I did and they needed surgery. I am very thankful for the Infratonic machine. Even the doctor when he looked at the X-ray was astonished. I use the Infratonic on my Reiki clients and myself. I wouldn’t want to be without one in my life. I tell all about its wonders.

-Donna Gilbert, Reiki Therapist (Niles, OH)

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