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Richard Lee

The Mechanics of New Years Resolutions

A resolution is not what you think. Many believe that resolutions are like fortune cookies, just stuff that would be…

Consciousness Causes Global Warming

In the book Power vs. Force, we see that there is a spectrum of levels of consciousness. At the levels…

From Halloween Fear to Christmas Love

I was surprised to learn that, while love is associated with a smooth flow of all frequencies, different sorts of…

Does Your Child Struggle With Stress and Attention Deficit?

With the start of the new school season and the stresses of the Holiday Season, a child’s life (and the…

From Emptiness to Enlightenment: CHI Sun’s Role in Connie Otso’s Discovery

What causes emptiness? If you believe in a world of polar opposites where issues are either true or false or…

Emptiness is the Pathway to Abundance

As I work with the CHI Sun, I am realizing that there is another kind of pain. It is not…

Consciousness Enhancement: New CHI Sun Reports

Early feedback from many of our CHI Sun users is very gratifying as they seem to be awakening from a…

Full Human Potential: Coherence, Purity, and Attunement

We humans are largely crippled because we have lost attunement with Nature. We can see that Nature is a mutually…

That Irritating Buzz in the Nervous System

The world is alive inside of me. The way I feel today is the way the human body was designed…

Decoding the Future: How a DNA Communicator Foreshadowed the Phenomenon of the CHI Sun Device

During the process of evaluating three prototypes of the CHI Sun, I contacted Joel Bruce Wallach. We had an hour-long…

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