Full Human Potential: Coherence, Purity, and Attunement
We humans are largely crippled because we have lost attunement with Nature. We can see that Nature is a mutually supportive ecosystem. If we look at Earth, the weather, the rivers, the Sun, and the ozone layer, all of which provide support for the life we observe in Nature, we see a level of coordination and support without which life on Earth would be impossible. However, we as humans find ourselves, in so many ways, out of sync with this mutually supportive ecosystem. We find ourselves as isolated individuals.
As we lose coherence with Source, our bodies are pulled out of touch with the coherent organizing field that keeps Nature in sync. When our bodies are pulled out of sync, they lose their inner pilot. They are set adrift in a world of erosive factors, deteriorating, and relying on crutches like pharmaceuticals, hi-tech diagnostics, and surgery. You may have wondered what brings about spontaneous remission in cases of chronic degeneration. It is simply attunement with Source, which induces coherence like that found in Nature.
When the DNA does not hold the cells in coherence, we have degeneration. When the DNA comes into coherence, every cell in the body seeks to come into coherence with the body as a whole. This can mean spontaneous dissolution of energetic patterns like viruses, the vital fields of bacteria, and the willfulness of cancer cells. It is a pathway toward optimal health.

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