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Alpha Induces Cooperative Behavior

In a study of nurses at a nurses convention which involved having them fill out an attitude questionnaire …

Infratonic Therapy and The Immune Response

The first of two studies shows that Infratonic treatment improved symptoms of childhood bronchial asthma…

Influence of Infratonic Acoustical Frequencies In Vitro on Glioma Cells

A group of research scientists at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute in San Francisco evaluated the potential effects of the Infratonic device on cultured human tumor cells.

The Neuroscience of Meditation and Infrasound

I met Prof. Liu at a conference in San Diego. I was demonstrating an Infratonic device which was claimed to…

Scientific Investigations into Chinese Qi-Gong

This publication came out of the 2nd World Academic Society of Medical Qigong Meeting. It summarizes interesting research into medical Qigong and early research into the infrasonic technology.

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