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Can you repair my older unit?

If your Infratonic is more than 10 years old, there are some things that cannot be repaired. However, we can repair several problems. Repair costs begin at $69.  You will not be charged for the cost until we have diagnosed your unit, spoken with you, and you have approved the work and quote.  You can review the pricing structure on our repair page. Repair Program


If we cannot repair your unit, there is no repair fee.  We can send your unit back or provide a trade-up credit toward a new Infratonic 9 if you choose.

You are responsible for shipping your unit to Sound Vitality.

Comments (2)

  1. Need new transducer for infratonic 8000.
    please respond asap and give price.
    thank you
    ingrid anderson

    1. Hello, Ingrid! We no longer sell the transducer wands, but we do offer limited repairs on them. Please visit the Repair/Trade Up section of our website to fill out a repair form, view pricing, and read about your options. Transducer wands fall under the #1 Repair Charge. Better yet, please give me a call, and I can guide you through the process.

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