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Brain Wave Patterns

Alpha Induces Cooperative Behavior

In a study of nurses at a nurses convention which involved having them fill out an attitude questionnaire and measuring the physical trembling of their hands we found that people who tremble in the theta range (4 to 8 Hz) tend to separate themselves from those around them and tend to feel victimized. Those in the Alpha range (8 to 13 Hz) tend to view themselves as in service to the group, and those trembling in the Beta range (13 to 20 Hz) tend to be overloaded with logistical, or dilemma-type, worries.

It is hypothesized that, since our bodies are made up of billions of cells that communicate with each other, inducing signals in the Alpha frequency range will move cells from a “victimized” or “overloaded” vibration into a state of group cooperation. This pattern was observed in the above study of nurses in that, after measuring their hand trembling, they were treated with the Infratonic for 10 minutes, then their hand trembling was measured again.

Chaos Therapy Calms Trembling Research revealed that the Infratonic with highly unpredictable signals within a narrow frequency range was far more effective than the early units at breaking up Theta and Beta activity in hand trembling. This technology was based on the hypothesis that vibrational patterns of disease and disruption of communication reside in the body, and can be reduced with highly unpredictable signals in an adjacent frequency range.

Alpha Induces Cooperation

Graph 1 shows a test subject trembling just before starting Infratonic Therapy, with noise across the spectrum.

Alpha Induces Cooperation

Graph 2 shows that after just three minutes of Infratonic Therapy, the noise has decreased and is predominately in the alpha range.

Alpha Induces Cooperation

After two minutes of rest after therapy, Graph 3 shows that the noise has decreased even further, leaving the subject feeling calm, relaxed and mentally clear.

A systems engineer by training, he moved early in his career from efficient use of fossil fuel energy to efficient use of human energy. Human consciousness is severely crippled in most all of us compared to the full potentials of consciousness so Richard has made studying and optimizing human consciousness into a 30 year career choice.

Comments (1)

  1. Clarification:

    The signal used to produce results was the Mind setting on the Infratonic 8 or the Balance setting on the Infratonic 9. You would place the device on the thymus or center of the chest.

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