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Nessor Therapy Guide – The Nessor Remembering Project
This shows my research in developing the Nessor. It is great reading to help you get the most out of the Nessor function of the CHI Palm.
Digestive Qi Deficiency in Children
300 children with a variety of digestive disorders were treated with the Infratonic…
Infratonic Stimulation and the Emitted Qi from Qigong Masters Effects on EEG
We found solid evidence that a qigong master can induce…
Effects of Emitted Qi from Qigong Masters and the Infratonic® Device in the Central Nervous System
Qi has a strong effect on human central nervous system…
The Neuroscience of Meditation and Infrasound
I met Prof. Liu at a conference in San Diego. I was demonstrating an Infratonic…
Scientific Investigations into Chinese Qi-Gong
This publication came out of the 2nd World Academic Society of Medical Qigong Meeting. It summarizes interesting research into medical Qigong and early research into the infrasonic technology.
Bioelectric Vitality: Exploring the Science of Human Energy
This book, published in 1997, outlines my findings from taking almost 30,000 Kirlian photographs. The Kirlian Camera was a very good tool for therapists and caregivers suffering exhaustion and burnout in that it provided instant feedback on effective ways on how to increase vitality and the ability of touching a client to drain vitality. We hope to bring a simple Kirlian Camera back into production by 2024.