45-year-old male. First seen 5/99 – right leg/hip pain/numbness since he was a teenager. He was angry and kicked a car as hard as he could, damaging his right leg and hip. 50-minute sessions weekly with QGM [Latest Version is CHI Palm] (Mind/Balance) on high placed at L5/51 for 10 minutes, then bottom of right foot for 10 minutes and behind the knee for 10 minutes. Treatment included with the massage session. Reduction in pain after 2 months. Less numbness after 8 months. Ongoing treatments 2-4 times a month with continuing results. No pain and only occasional numbness. Walks/runs daily. Little to no pain after exercise. Concentration back to normal. Sleeps through the night. Feels without the Q4, he never would have improved.
-Sue Julsen (Morgan Hill, CA)
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