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I have used my CHI Palm for myself and my animals. I had developed Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot. I was in so much pain I could barely walk. My foot would hurt so bad I couldn’t sleep at night. I would strap the CHI Palm to the bottom of my foot so I could ease the pain so I could sleep. I would wake up pain free and walking sound. By the end of the day I would be completely lame and in so much pain.

During all of this we had our vacation to Las Vegas during the NFR . The only way I made it through all of the daily walking on concrete was being able to sleep with the CHI strapped to my foot while sleeping. After I learned about what causes Plantar Fasciitis I started using my CHI Palm on my hips and calve on the side I had my Plantar Fasciitis. I would strap the CHI Palm to my calve at night.  If I woke up during the night I would move the CHI Palm to wherever the pain was on my foot or calve. When I would wake up I would put the CHI Palm on my hip.  During the day if I was sitting I would use the CHI Palm on my hip.

After doing this for 8 weeks daily and going up a half a size in my shoes I’m completely healed. I never slowed down during this time and was on my feet walking in sand, dirt, uneven ground, rocks, & concrete. I still rode my horses daily and kept on barrel racing.

I would use the Acute for pain management and to help heal where the pain was the most. I would strap the CHI Palm to my foot or calve and sleep while it was on (love how long the battery last before I have to recharge). I used Balance on my hips. I went to get my hips adjusted by a Chiropractor, unfortunately he couldn’t/wouldn’t adjust my hips because he said that my hips were locked. After using the CHI Palm on my hips for a few weeks my hips were no longer locked. I would do 20 to 45 minutes on my hips.

I have healed myself even though I stayed active including still riding & competing in barrel racing. I honestly had know idea how messed up my calve was till I started to treating it to help my foot from the Plantar Fasciitis. It did take me 8 weeks of being consistent to get myself completely pain free and walking sound. It was so worth it. Plantar Fasciitis is very painful & I can’t imagine having it for years like so many people do.

Vivian – LA


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