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Life Saving & Practice Saving Effects of Infratonic Technology

Good morning,

I would like to tell you about the “life saving and practice saving effects” of the infra-tonic CHI 8000 [Latest Version is CHI Palm].

It was late spring here in Wyoming of last year when we were knee deep in snow… winter, it seemed had drug on and on… but now on this day the sun is shining hot and the spring thaw is on.

It was arround noon that I had this freak accident. As I put the car in park, I jumped out to do some chores. I was about 12 steps away when I saw the car moving in reverse. Slipping and sliding all over, as I was frantically attempting to gain control of the car, my legg slipped underneath the front wheel and I was run over! Unbelievable pain! A bursting type, I don’t know how to describe other than it felt like the bone was broken and it had swollen and burst from the inside out. I thought to myself “Oh God, it must be broke, Oh no it can’t be broke, what am I gonna do…? A trip to the Hospital will break me”!

Then I thought of the Infra-tonic Chi 8000 I had in my office and that it would not hurt to give it a try and that this would surely put it to the test. Wow! & Fantastic!, is the best way to describe it. The swelling began to dissipate almost immediately and the pain was gone within the first 20-minute session! I continued treatments that evening at home and on and off for three days.

It was unbelievable to have an acutely sprained ankle, yet retain complete function/mobility and no pain! I’m still flabergasted about it all, I even had the tire tracks across my leg/ankle for days and no pain or swelling. We owe it to ourselves and the patients we serve to obtain this technology. I fully endorse this product and thank you for saving my practice.  5 out of 5 stars

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Charles C. Kilgore


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