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No Relief Until the Infratonic

I had an accident ten years ago, which caused a lot of soft tissue damage. I had a lot of muscle spasms. I could not sleep or lay on either side at night. I couldn’t find any relief. It always felt like everything was out of place. I took Reiki from Judy Nowak and during the class, she let us use the Infratonic machine. I couldn’t get over the fact that I could get out of the chair and move so easily after using the Infratonic for about an hour. Judy let me take the machine home and use it throughout the night. The next day I was so happy and without pain that I danced.

I bought my own machine after that and use it an average of two hours a day. I am feeling so good that sometimes I forget to use it. The relief it has brought to my feet, ankles and knees is worth every cent. I love my Infratonic machine and would tell everyone to buy one. I also would like you to know that I am a registered nurse, but even the knowledge I had didn’t help me. I had no relief until the Infratonic machine did it.

-Mary Helen Galosh, RN (Girard, OH)

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