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Involved in a Head-On Collision

My 23-year-old daughter was involved in a head on collision with a drunken driver. Major injuries were a dislocated left…

Eliminated My Pinched Nerves

Auto Accident - Hit from the rear with significant impact. I purchased my QGM [Latest Version is CHI Palm] after being treated…

Pain Was Reduced

Pain occurring from an auto accident. This man was pinned in his auto after rolling over. He couldn’t walk and…

Thought to be Almost Impossible

We were playing golf at the Wigwam Golf Courses in Litchfield Park, Arizona. My husband, who has macular degeneration and…

Had No problems of Pain

I severely stabbed my toe, jamming a nail into it, causing bleeding and hematoma of entire toe. Soaked foot in…

It’s Just Like a Miracle

Problem: Joint inflammation and pain in left big toe joint for a period of 23 years. I walk at least…

Improved Sleeping and Reduced Pain

Tension (neck, jaw, legs, lower back), emotional tension, difficulty falling asleep. Placed transducer on centerline, touching root of nose, positioned…

Treating My Neck and Throat Area

For years, I have had trouble eating, specifically swallowing, certain foods like potatoes and french fries. For about 2 or…

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