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Prostate, Diabetes & spleen. I’ve had trouble with prostate for many years. I became allergic to sugar as I started to get diabetes. At the same time I had pain in spleen area. I had trouble going to sleep. Trouble with much tiredness. I stopped eating sugar – took herbs for prostate and diabetes. I use the QGM [Latest Version is CHI Palm] for 30 minutes on spleen area and 20 minutes on my prostate area. Pain stopped and started to sleep better and it only took me about an hour to go to sleep rather than 3 or 4 hours. Have more energy – eat better – good appetite. Some pain in spleen now and then but 15 or 20 minutes with the CHI machine takes it away. Prostate is completely cured but I still treat it now and then.

William Little, Congress, AZ

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