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This Is the Best Investment I Have Ever Made as Far as My Health and Well-Being Are Concerned…

I will be celebrating my 81st birthday in July this year. I am proud to say thanks to my “wonder machine” CHI 4 [Latest Version is CHI Palm] because it has given me the energy of a woman much younger. I am a walking advertisement for the CHI 4, sharing information with family, friends and everyone I meet about the gratifying experiences the CHI 4 has brought me.

Last spring a friend of mine from church could barely walk without the aid of a walker. She, being close to my age, started me wondering how much longer my hips would sustain me. For you see, I also had been suffering from exhausting pain in my hip area, and but for the grace of God was able to remain on my feet long enough to attend church and handle the few events that I enjoyed attending. In June last year, I went back East to visit family and friends where I lived for over 50 years before moving to Arizona. I visited an orthopedic doctor there for my hip and back problems, and he recommended hip surgery and prescribed pain medication to help me deal with my discomfort.

When I returned home to Scottsdale in September, I saw my friend again in church. She was walking in on her own and appeared to be completely recuperated. She was spry and optimistic about her newfound freedom without her walker. I was so impressed with her appearance and ability to walk on her own again that I approached her to ask her how she was feeling. It was then that she began telling me about the CHI 4. After our conversation I went home and did my research on the product, then ordered my very own machine. I had been diagnosed with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis on my left hip and a build up of calcium deposits that were spike like in shape pressing on the bone in my hip area. Needless to say, it was very painful.

When my CHI 4 arrived, I began working on my hip the second I got it out of the box. Oh yes, I had a few other little aches and pains, but the hip needed my attention first. I used it twice a day in the beginning, testing it to find out what the CHI was capable of doing. At first I was rather timid, not understanding its full effects. I used it on low pulse for l0 minutes a couple times each day. Gradually I increased it to high speed for as much as an hour at a time, for as many as 3 times a day. In approximately 3 months I realized that I hardly had any pain remaining in my hip, and had I had stopped taking pain medicine completely. And, to everyone’s surprise, including my own, I was walking without limping.

Now, I am using the CHI 4 for all of my little aches and pains on my shoulder, back, and on the bottom of my feet for extra energy. I am in the habit of using it consistently and persistently now that my hip has begun feeling better just to preserve the healing that I have accomplished thus far. Most recently I have begun using it on inflamed, gingivitus gums on low pulse for 20 minutes twice a day, and after just two weeks the inflammation is gone. Also, I have been using it on my wrist where I have a ganglionic cyst for 20 minutes on high pulse twice a day and after just two weeks the pain has greatly subsided.

Treatments for all of my ailments have been self-administered while relaxing, meditating or studying my ongoing adventurous journey for Christ. I have been studying metaphysics for over 30 years which has resulted in keeping my spirit and attitude positive. I have faith that this little CHI, along with prayer, will heal all my aches and pains. In the future I plan to use it on other concerns such as hearing loss. I am very anxious to upgrade my CHI 4 because my research on the powers and stunning results of the newer more in-depth version have me hoping to achieve even greater healing of myself, however, I am not financially capable of affording it. So for the time being, I will remain completely appreciative that God has granted me the ability to own the one I have.

I can truthfully say that the quality of my life has greatly improved because of CHI. I no longer walk with a limp and I do not have to rely on pain medication to ease my pain, simply because there no longer is any pain. I have my little companion, CHI 4, to keep me moving and enjoying life again. This is the best investment I have ever made as far as my health and well-being are concerned, and surely it is the best pain killer on the market today.

Doris Heath, Scottsdale, AZ

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