Bone Fracture Clinic
We have received so much positive feedback over the years on the use of the Infratonic with fractures. This applies equally to the newest Infratonic, the CHI Palm. To give you insight on how you can get the best results treating broken bones we have included a variety of protocols. If you can get the CHI Palm on it right away, as Larry and Catherine did, you will see the best results.
Full Recovery in ¼ the Time
I broke my wrist. I slipped on some ice. A hand specialist doctor said it would take at least a year to heal, and that I would maybe regain 20% use of my left hand. I’m a full-time energy worker for the last 25 yrs, and loosing 80% use of my hand was unacceptable. I had 4.5 hours of surgery, which the doctor said would lengthen the recovery time. Immediately after surgery I was thinking of what to do to keep the swelling down and increase the blood circulation.
The only piece of mail that day was your newsletter with a lead article on how to heal a broken wrist with your Chi machine! Dahhh… I ordered it and received it the next day. I used it a minimum of 2 hrs. per day. After the surgery I had an external fixator with 4 screws and 2 pins. I found that the best results occurred when I used the Chi machine on the primary lymph nodes along my armpit, neck, and my elbow, before applying it to my wrist area.
Results: the next time my doctor saw me he said; “It should have taken a minimum of a year to recover with 6 months of physical therapy. You’ve had no therapy and you are functioning at 100% after 3.5 months.” That’s almost 1/4 the projected time of recovery. I employed several other methods of healing including my many years of experience doing Zero-Balancing. But still, 3.5 months and 100%! Thank you, thank you, thank you…. I hope this inspires others. With deep gratitude I and my clients thank you.
– Larry Adams
Leg Fracture with Rod
About 6 weeks ago, I stepped off a horse trailer, landed wrong and broke my right lower leg about mid-way down. I had a rod put in the lower leg. I had a splint for about 2 weeks initially, and then no cast. With the Infratonic 4 [Latest Version is CHI Palm], I have done 3-4 treatments/day on medium setting. Using points on the bottom of my foot, as well as at the break point for about 10-20 min each. Afterwards I have done a sweep of my leg. I have not had to use pain medications at all throughout my 6 week recovery period. My x-rays at 6 weeks show some advanced bone healing. I am able to walk with a cane and much of the time without any props at all.
— Catherine Rowland (San Diego, CA)
Geriatric Hip Fractures
A 3-year study on geriatrics & hip fractures. Some patients on actual site about 1” away and others 2’ to 3’ away, directed at site of surgery. 10-20 mins. once a day for 1-2 weeks. Setting on High. Doctors were amazed after x-rays taken, healed so much faster than usual; could bear weight sooner and pain decreased, which in some cases took no pain meds. Decreased limping, sleeping all night and less pain. Quick recovery surprised doctors, good attitudes. Did not let doctors know, was for my own information, because I was so excited of what it has done for my husband and me. I have my license as a Physical Therapist.
– Judy Ortega (Fallbrook, CA)
Fractured Rib
Fractured 7th rib in front on left side / torn muscle tissues in back and under left rib cage / unable to lift left arm because of pain in back area and under arm. Used Body setting first over injuries (Mind) (Spirit). Treated four times a day, within three day saw results. Did many different techniques of sweeping; held on and away from pain areas. Was able to lay and sleep within 2 days in reasonable comfort. Was told it would take 2 weeks before resuming work. Was back to work within 7 days. Miracles do happen with the Infratonic 8 [Latest Version is CHI Palm]. I use one for myself & my clients in my office daily.
– Hannah Simmons (Honesdale, PA)
Sleeping Improved, Stress Improved in Every Way…
40 year obese woman, multiple bone fractures, compound fracture of rt humorus, casted & sling, later splinted. Not healing. After 3 weeks, MD wanted to operate and use pins. Patient was frantic and full of anxiety. She did not want the operation. Infratonic 8 [Latest Version is CHI Palm] daily on fracture for 10 minutes, 2 to 3 times daily in and out of office. Also treats liver, spleen and 3rd eye. X-ray after 2 weeks. Fracture healing. Calus formation and pain decreased. Patient able to move neck and shoulder better, improved mood. Hope and visualization of recovery. Spirits lifted. Sleeping improved, stress improved in every way.
– Catherine Quill (Beverly, MA)
Contusion & Fracture: I Could Actually Feel the Bone Heal!
I was standing on a wooden bench, leaning over to reach something. The bench tipped over, and I fell, with the edge of the bench knocking hard into my right shin (tibia). The pain was excruciating, and it was some time before I was even able to get up off of the floor. I was unable to put any weight on my right leg – it turned out that I had a hairline fracture from the blow – so with the help of a friend, I hopped back to my room where I immediately reached for my Chaos model CHI machine [Latest Version is CHI Palm]. By this time my entire lower leg – from ankle to knee – was swollen, bright red and quickly turning purple.
What happened next is truly remarkable. As I ran the transducer (Balance) up and down my leg – focusing it every now and then on the actual area of injury – the swelling started to subside and the purple color began to fade. I felt like I was a character on Star Trek, with the doctor using her medical tricorder…you know, where the serious injury heals right before your eyes! Once the generalized swelling subsided, I focused entirely on the injury site, which was throbbing with pain and quite tender. I used the CHI machine all that evening, and almost non-stop the next day, which luckily was a Saturday. By that evening I was able to start to put a slight bit of weight on my leg. By Sunday evening, after another day using the machine, I was able to begin to walk a bit, although of course with some difficulty. The swelling over the fracture site was greatly reduced, as was the pain and tenderness.
I continued to use the CHI machine as often as possible throughout the next number of weeks, with continuing great improvement. I mostly targeted the injury site, but also followed along any tightness I felt in the muscles throughout my leg, as I knew this tensing was a reaction to the injury. I would also on occasion use the transducer on the bottom of my right foot, aiming up the bone. By the following weekend I was able to walk with only a slight limp, with the pain quite reduced, and localized to precisely the area of the hairline crack (I am a body therapist and could actually palpate the fracture). Within a couple of weeks my leg felt almost completely healed, with just some residual soreness around the injury site. This diminished with continued use of the CHI machine… I could actually feel the bone heal from the inside out, the actual bone “bruise” being the last to go.
— Beverly Kune (Santa Fe, NM)

Wrist Fracture with Pins: Quite Significant Pain Reduction During Healing
Multiple fractures of wrist. Pins inserted; quite painful. 20 minute treatments daily for one week, then 3 times a week for 2 more weeks. 3 weeks after the fractures occurred, orthopedic surgeon couldn’t believe how much the bones had healed. Quite significant pain reduction during healing.
– Michael Bourland, DC (Brookings, OR)
Tibial Plateau Fracture: Have Very Few Limitations Now…
On October 10, 1996 I was climbing up to my attic on the pull-down staircase and lost my balance. My left leg got caught between two rungs and as a result ended up with a major Tibia Plateau Fracture. I was rushed to a local hospital’s ER. There was no orthopedic doctor on duty and thus I was examined, sent home with a wrap around cast until I could see an orthopedic surgeon. I declined surgery and in place of the wrap around cast, I was fitted with a fiberglass cast, which I wore for about 9 weeks.
After it was removed, I had weeks and months of physical therapy and weight training, while learning to go from wheelchair adjustment to arm crutches and actually had to re-learn how to walk again. It was a long and grueling experience. It was approximately 3 years before I could walk again with some normalcy and even by this time, I had frequent problems with compression and swelling. During this period, something amazing occurred, as I received a flyer from your company in San Clemente, CA with the description of the benefits of the Chi Machine. I immediately knew that this was the miracle waiting for me! I purchased the machine right away.
After receiving the Chi machine, I used it daily for about an hour at least 2 to 3 times a day. I would set it directly on my knee and around the surrounding muscle tissue. I did not have the normal flexion and extension of the knee joint, which was noticeably displaced as a result of the accident. Over the weeks of using the Chi machine, I began to see wonderful results. There was less pain/compression and I was walking with much more ease and normal gait. My leg became stronger and I found that I could finally resume the tasks that I had done before the injury. I am a Polarity Therapy Practitioner, and after all these years I am able to stand with ease, while working on a client. That is a gift in itself!! I walk well and have very few limitations now. To this day, I still use my Chi machine. I have no doubt that this miraculous machine played a major role in my blessed recovery of body, mind and spirit!!
– Janet Van Sise (South Yarmouth, MA)
Non-Union Fracture: You Should See Him Run and Buck and Play and Never Take a Sore Step…
Fracture of tibial crest with open wound to joint of thoroughbred horse. Told by several vets that horse would never be sound to ride except for trail at a walk. After 8 months and three sets of x-rays no apparent change. Horse was not healing and would never be sound. Use the Infratonic (Balance) for one month, every other day, for fifteen minutes to one half hour. Held directly over fracture.
In only that one month, x-rays taken again. Vet said “I don’t know what you’re doing, but don’t stop”. The fracture has almost healed and almost all of the arthritis was gone. I truly believe the Infratonic healed my horse. He is not lame at all. And it is all quite amazing. You should see him run and buck and play and never take a sore step. Thank you.”
– Lisa Yarchar (Safety Harbor, FL)
As you can see from the wide variety of circumstances the Infratonic is a versatile tool to relieve pain and swelling and to accelerate the healing process to get you back on your feet fast. I hope you find this guide to treating fractures provided by happy Infratonic owners to be instructional and useful.

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