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The CHI Guard Home Removes Energy from Wire

The CHI Guard Home study shows that Oxidative Pollution travels along copper wires (including the electrical wiring in your home.…

The CHI Guard Auto Reduces Oxidative Pollution in Salt Water

The CHI Guard Auto connects to the steel body of the car, using Sludgebuster Technology to absorb the high energy…

The Gift of Receiving

The holiday season is upon us. The previous days and weeks have been a worldwide phenomenon of manufacturing and buying…

Oxidative Pollution Series Part 1: The Worldwide Health Epidemic.

When the Sun shines air molecules are hit by high energy photons, sometimes breaking apart to form high energy molecules. …

Two Simple Keys to Self Care in a Post-Medical World

Updated 3/25/2020 Post Coronavirus Update:  CDC and WHO have been telling us that we need to kill viruses on surfaces…

A Season to Radiate Gratefulness

The holiday season is a time for gratitude, reflection, pulling in and appreciating what we and our community have received…

Self-Care Trailblazer Sound Vitality Returns to its Roots with CHI Institute Rebrand

Sound Vitality, a self-care, non-invasive device company, today announced that it would return to its roots with a rebrand back to CHI Institute. This decision celebrates over 30 years of scientific research and product development by the company into ancient Chinese methods that work in harmony with the body to promote accelerated healing, pain management, and restore peace

Immune Response Improvement with Infratonic Resonance Device

The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of the Infratonic® therapy in the immune system of rabbits…

Research Study: Inflammation in the Hocks of Horses

Research on the nature of inflammation in the hocks of horses with mechanical stochastic…

What is the problem of Rebellious Cells?

While normal healing can proceed without impediment, often a group of cells engages in producing excess inflammation. The production of…

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