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Vitality is best described by a physical, emotional, and mental ability to persevere against unexpected challenges. Finishing a race like a 5k requires vitality, but so does fighting off the flu. Someone who is low on vitality has an immune system that is slow to identify the pathogen and slow to generate the needed antibodies.

Vitality is best described by a physical, emotional, and mental ability to persevere against unexpected challenges. Finishing a race like a 5k requires vitality, but so does fighting off the flu. Someone who is low on vitality has an immune system that is slow to identify the pathogen and slow to generate the needed antibodies.

Setting Fire to Misconceptions: The Real Deal on Inflammation

We kick off with an overview of inflammation – its purpose, and its benefits. In the second part, we’ll explore…

What is Vitality?

Vitality is not best described as big muscles, loudness or aggressiveness. It is…

Is Stress Crippling Your Quality of Life?

Do you feel excess stress lately? How are you managing it? Most traditionally try to numb their feelings with alcohol, medications…

Cozy ThermoTherapy: Your Secret Weapon for Fighting Colds and Improving Health

I became interested in thermotherapy when my brother headed to Germany to receive thermotherapy applied to his prostate to treat…

Cozy Therapy – Extreme Times Require Extreme Comfort!

People choose cool for reasons such as avoiding perspiration, feeling unrestricted, or looking slim. Cozy clothing makes people look heavier…

Strengthening the Vital Field with the CHI Stone.

The Chi Stone has taught us that there really is a human vital field by repeatedly making it stronger. This…

Quantifying Qi through Kirlian Photography  

Kirlian photography can be used to assess deficiencies in Yin and Yang aspects of Qi

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