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Strengthening the Vital Field with the CHI Stone.
The Chi Stone has taught us that there really is a human vital field by…
Quantifying Qi through Kirlian Photography
Kirlian photography can be used to assess deficiencies in Yin and Yang aspects of Qi…
Nightmare at 30,000 Feet
Many travelers feel exhausted and out-of-whack after a long plane flight. For some, it is…
The Gift of Receiving
The holiday season is upon us. The previous days and weeks have been a worldwide…
Oxidative Pollution Series Part 1: The Worldwide Health Epidemic.
When the Sun shines air molecules are hit by high energy photons, sometimes breaking apart…
Two Simple Keys to Self Care in a Post-Medical World
Updated 3/25/2020 Post Coronavirus Update: CDC and WHO have been telling us that we need…
What is Oxidative Pollution?
Oxidative Pollution does not refer to particulates or poisonous gasses. Rather, it is the very…
Our Scientific Scoop on Oxidative Pollution
Learn about the dangers of oxidative pollution facing humanity, as well as the health…
Men’s Health: Understanding the Challenges
My father is in pain. I want to get him something that will improve his health and relieve…
You Have Your Own Health Factory Right Inside of You
When I first started working at Sound Vitality (CHI Institute), I thought I knew everything…
Can a Nessor Treatment Be a Sacred Ceremony?
I’ve written in the past about how my office doubles as a “sanctuary” of sorts…
Infratonic Therapy Users Guide
This will probably expand your view as to the possible applications for the CHI Palm. It offers both how it works and reports from people who got excellent results for accelerated recovery.