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Infratonic / Chaos Therapy Line
CHI Palm (Infratonic)Knee Replacement With and Without the CHI Palm

Chi Palm


CHI Palm, Pack of 3CHI Palm Infratonic 11

CHI Palm 3-Pack


CHI Sun 2.0CHI Sun 2.0

CHI Sun 2.0


CHI Sun 6-PackWoman Holding CHI Sun

CHI Sun 6-Pack


The CHI Palm 3-Pack and CHI Sun 6-Pack are already discounted and cannot be combined with the HelloCHI10 discount or any other coupons or promotions. International shipping charges do not include duties, taxes, or surcharges, as these costs vary by country and are subject to change. Customers are responsible for any applicable duties, taxes, or surcharges upon delivery.

10% OFF For First Time Customers
Protect Yourself from Oxidative Pollution
CHI Guard HomeCHI Guard Home


CHI Guard


CHI Guard AutoCHI Guard Auto


CHI Guard


CHI ShieldCHI Shield


CHI Shield


CHI StoneThe CHI Stone


CHI Stone


Trade-UP: Upgrade Your CHI Technology
CHI Sun 2.0 Trade-UPCHI Sun 2.0

CHI Sun Trade-UP: From 1.0 to 2.0



CHI Palm Trade-UPCHI Palm Glove

CHI Palm Trade-Up to Infratonic 11

CHI Palm


CHI Palm Protection & Use Accessories
CHI Palm Positioning StrapsCHI Palm Positioning Straps

CHI Palm Positioning Straps

CHI Palm


CHI Palm GloveCHI Palm Glove

CHI Palm Glove

CHI Palm


CHI Palm LeashCHI Palm Leash

CHI Palm Leash

CHI Palm


CHI Palm Protection PackagePosition Straps

CHI Palm Protection Package

CHI Palm


CHI Palm Positioning Stand with Magnetic MountCHI Palm Positioning Stand with Magnetic Mount

CHI Palm Positioning Stand

CHI Palm


Palm Magnetic Mount Kit for the Positioning StandPalm Magnetic Mount Kit for the Positioning Stand

CHI Palm Magnetic Mount Kit for the Positioning Stand

CHI Palm


Foundational Truth CardsFoundational Truth Cards

Foundational Truth Cards


CHI Palm Battery Replacement

CHI Palm


Battery PackBattery Pack

Battery Pack

Infratonic 9, Equitonic 9, Scalene Light, S-Liberator


AC ChargerAC Charger

I-9 Series AC Charger

Infratonic 9, Equitonic 9, Scalene Light, S-Liberator


CHI Palm & Sun Charger with CableCHI Palm & Sun Charger with Cable

Palm & Sun AC Charger

This charger cable works with both the CHI Palm and Sun.

CHI Palm & CHI Sun


Palm External Battery ChargerCHI Palm Battery Charger

Palm External Battery Charger

External Palm battery charger. Not for direct connection to your Palm device; charges battery only.

CHI Palm

$9.00 – $18.50

3' Micro-USB Cable for CHI PalmCHI Palm Infratonic 11

Black 3′ micro-USB Cable for the Palm

Replacement charging cable exclusively for the CHI Palm.

CHI Palm


3' USB-C Cable for CHI SunCHI Sun

White 3′ USB-C Cable for the Sun

Replacement charging cable exclusively for the CHI Sun.



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