Continues to Impress Others with Such Dramatic Results
I am a Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Lymphologist working closely with the International Academy of Lymphology. In October, our…
I am a Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Lymphologist working closely with the International Academy of Lymphology. In October, our…
Hemorrhoids - 18 years. Treated 2 to 3 times per day directly on anus. Swelling has decreased and oral medications are…
Swollen left clavicle, extreme pain, limited movement of shoulder girdle, heart palpitations; 7-year duration. Went to Osteopath, MD, OMD (acupuncture),…
Problem: #1: 1999 - tendinitis, cervicobrachial syndrome, exquisite pain in forearms and hands, inability to use hands. #2: October, 2000…
I have had my Infratonic unit since 1994, and I have upgraded it several times. I'm using it every day…
As a naturopathic physician who teaches trigger point injections and neural therapy to other naturopaths, I'm always intrigued by new…
Ultrasound and hydrotherapy were my main modes of treatment before the Infratonic. I also tried magnetic therapy, but nothing has…
My daughter, Kelsey McNeely, was born with bad ear problems and the membrane under her tongue went clear to the…
The client whose legs I have been working with is in fact my mother. She has diabetes, which explains many…
While holding one of my mares to be shoed/trimmed, she reared up, struck out her front feet and struck my…
A 32-year-old female diabetic quadriplegic with severe 3rd degree burn on left foot was seeking wound care from PT once…
I was in the kitchen fixing dinner and had some pasta boiling in a pan. I took the boiling water…
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