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She Has Felt Much Better

The day the Infratonic machine arrived, my grandson was playing football with a friend who knocked him down and he injured his knee. He had a bad limp when trying to walk and it was very painful. He came over and I put the Infratonic machine on his knee for ten minutes and asked him how it felt. He said all the pain was gone. He could hardly believe it and neither could I. He got up and walked around and his knee was normal again. He hasn’t had any problem with the knee since then.

Also, a lady (a registered nurse) had broken her ankle and had to have surgery on it and a pin applied to the bones. She recovered from the surgery quite well, but was never free of the pain since the surgery. After one treatment with the Infratonic, she was free of pain that lasted for three hours, and then came back slightly, but over the next three days the pain gradually decreased and she has felt much better. Another patient who was experiencing pain in the bottom of her feet was relieved after using the Infratonic machine. The stories are numerous of how my patients have been helped with the Infratonic machine. Several of my friends and patients have bought machines for their own use.

-Emery L. Wayman, DC, ND (Portland, OR)

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