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Thank You for Your Infratonic Machine…

Thank you for your Infratonic machine. It has done wonders for me. I recently crashed my motorcycle. While taking a jump, I got my weight too far forward, and flew over the handlebars when my bike hit the ground. I tore the muscles in my lower back; from my rib cage down to my pelvis. The injury and pain was so bad that I could not leave my bed for 5 days.

I began using the Infratonic on the fourth day, and by the sixth day I was able to get around with the help of crutches. After 3 more days, I was able to graduate to a walking with a cane. Family members helped to treat me with the Infratonic several times per day, all around the affected area for at least 20 minutes at a time. I treated the area for an additional 5 days, then I threw the cane away! I continued to use the Infratonic for several more days, just to make sure everything was healing OK.

During my recuperation, I favored my right side because of the discomfort I was feeling. My back and the muscles of my left leg would spasm, and they contracted or cramped up, and I had to walk straight-legged because it hurt so bad. I decided to try to use the Infratonic on my cramped thigh muscles, and to my surprise, the leg loosened up immediately. I feel that the Infratonic definitely aided in my quick recovery from a very bad wreck. Thank you very much.

Eric Delgado, San Clemente, CA

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