Hyaluronic Acid and the Health of Your Horse
When Lisa Yarchar’s Thoroughbred horse sustained a fracture of the tibial crest with open wounds to the joint, she was…
You Have Your Own Health Factory Right Inside of You
When I first started working at Sound Vitality (CHI Institute), I thought I knew everything important there was to know…
Can a Nessor Treatment Be a Sacred Ceremony?
I’ve written in the past about how my office doubles as a “sanctuary” of sorts. Sure, we experience the typical…
Infratonic Therapy: a Secret Advantage for Massage Therapists
This blog post is for all the massage therapists out there who are looking for a way to develop an…
Infratonic Therapy Users Guide
This will probably expand your view as to the possible applications for the CHI Palm. It offers both how it works and reports from people who got excellent results for accelerated recovery.
Nessor Therapy Guide – The Nessor Remembering Project
This shows my research in developing the Nessor. It is great reading to help you get the most out of the Nessor function of the CHI Palm.
Infratonic Relieves Inflammation, Heals Muscle Damage
Controlled research with groups of Standardbred horses shows that Infratonic therapy reduces inflammation…
Vibrational Trembling, Chaos and EEG
Dale Patterson, a board certified EEG technician trained in biofeedback, recorded EEG brain maps, first with an early…
Chaos and the College Entrance Exam
The Infratonic was used to treat a group of high school students preparing for the college entrance examination…
Digestive Qi Deficiency in Children
300 children with a variety of digestive disorders were treated with the Infratonic…