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The CHI Guard Home Removes Energy from Wire

The CHI Guard Home study shows that Oxidative Pollution travels along copper wires (including the electrical wiring in your home…

The CHI Guard Auto Reduces Oxidative Pollution in Salt Water

The CHI Guard Auto connects to the steel body of the car, using Sludgebuster Technology to absorb the high energy…

Oxidative Pollution Series Part 1: The Worldwide Health Epidemic.

When the Sun shines air molecules are hit by high energy photons, sometimes breaking apart to form high energy molecules. …

Immune Response Improvement with Infratonic Resonance Device

The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of the Infratonic® therapy in the immune system of rabbits…

Research Study: Inflammation in the Hocks of Horses

Research on the nature of inflammation in the hocks of horses with mechanical stochastic…

What is Oxidative Pollution?

Oxidative Pollution does not refer to particulates or poisonous gasses. Rather, it is the very high energy that can be…

Men’s Health: Understanding the Challenges

My father is in pain. I want to get him something that will improve his health and relieve…

Accelerated Immune Response and the Infratonic

Accelerated Immune Response: The Effect of Simulated Emitted Qi on Blood Serum Antibody Level is…

Bronchial Asthma Treated by Subaudible, Outgoing Qi

The child bronchial asthma, a common asthmatic disease with higher incidence in recent years in pediatrics can influence the child’s…

Infratonic – How It Works

The Infratonic was developed out of scientific research in Beijing China which studied natural healers and found that most powerful…

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