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Contusion & Fracture: I Could Actually Feel the Bone Heal!

I was standing on a wooden bench, leaning over to reach something. The bench tipped over, and I fell, with the edge of the bench knocking hard into my right shin (tibia). The pain was excruciating, and it was some time before I was even able to get up off of the floor. I was unable to put any weight on my right leg – it turned out that I had a hairline fracture from the blow – so with the help of a friend, I hopped back to my room where I immediately reached for my Chaos model CHI machine [Latest Version is CHI Palm]. By this time my entire lower leg – from ankle to knee – was swollen, bright red and quickly turning purple.

What happened next is truly remarkable. As I ran the transducer (Balance) up and down my leg – focusing it every now and then on the actual area of injury – the swelling started to subside and the purple color began to fade. I felt like I was a character on Star Trek, with the doctor using her medical tricorder…you know, where the serious injury heals right before your eyes! Once the generalized swelling subsided, I focused entirely on the injury site, which was throbbing with pain and quite tender. I used the CHI machine all that evening, and almost non-stop the next day, which luckily was a Saturday. By that evening I was able to start to put a slight bit of weight on my leg. By Sunday evening, after another day using the machine, I was able to begin to walk a bit, although of course with some difficulty. The swelling over the fracture site was greatly reduced, as was the pain and tenderness.

I continued to use the CHI machine as often as possible throughout the next number of weeks, with continuing great improvement. I mostly targeted the injury site, but also followed along any tightness I felt in the muscles throughout my leg, as I knew this tensing was a reaction to the injury. I would also on occasion use the transducer on the bottom of my right foot, aiming up the bone. By the following weekend I was able to walk with only a slight limp, with the pain quite reduced, and localized to precisely the area of the hairline crack (I am a body therapist and could actually palpate the fracture). Within a couple of weeks my leg felt almost completely healed, with just some residual soreness around the injury site. This diminished with continued use of the CHI machine… I could actually feel the bone heal from the inside out, the actual bone “bruise” being the last to go.

— Beverly Kune (Santa Fe, NM)

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