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Shen: Cultivating the Light
So much Love. Earth is rich with Love. Revel in the Love. The Joy. The…
Shen: Cultivating the Wisdom
Much has been written about “thinking but not knowing”. This is analytical processing without.…
Are EMFs Good for You?
The human vital field is remarkable in its ability to protect our bodies from environmental…
What is Vitality?
Vitality is not best described as big muscles, loudness or aggressiveness. It is…
Is Stress Crippling Your Quality of Life?
Do you feel excess stress lately? How are you managing it? Most traditionally try to numb their feelings with alcohol, medications…
Coming Together in Community
Self care is not just about keeping our bodies healthy. it goes beyond our emotional…
Cozy ThermoTherapy: Your Secret Weapon for Fighting Colds and Improving Health
I became interested in thermotherapy when my brother headed to Germany to receive thermotherapy applied…
Cozy Therapy – Extreme Times Require Extreme Comfort!
People choose cool for reasons such as avoiding perspiration, feeling unrestricted, or looking slim. Cozy…
When is Anxiety not Panic?
I just learned an amazing bit of trivia you can try out on your friends:…
Dissolving Chronic Pain in Tendons, Ligaments, and Connective Tissue’s
Three different methods to accelerate the recovery…
What Happens to Oxidative Pollution Within the CHI Guards?
The CHI Guard products and CHI Shield using SludgeBuster Technology protect you from Oxidative Pollution in…
Social Anxiety as a Superpower?
Why did I have such problems with people, and groups? I was ok in anonymous…