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Cozy ThermoTherapy: Your Secret Weapon for Fighting Colds and Improving Health

I became interested in thermotherapy when my brother headed to Germany to receive thermotherapy applied to his prostate to treat…

Cozy Therapy – Extreme Times Require Extreme Comfort!

People choose cool for reasons such as avoiding perspiration, feeling unrestricted, or looking slim. Cozy clothing makes people look heavier…

When is Anxiety not Panic?

I just learned an amazing bit of trivia you can try out on your friends: Panic attacks are a disease…

What Happens to Oxidative Pollution Within the CHI Guards?

The CHI Guard products and CHI Shield using SludgeBuster Technology protect you from Oxidative Pollution in the environment. This can be challenging to understand. Most…

Social Anxiety as a Superpower?

Why did I have such problems with people, and groups?  I was ok in anonymous crowds because I was not…

Strengthening the Vital Field with the CHI Stone.

The Chi Stone has taught us that there really is a human vital field by repeatedly making it stronger. This…

Quantifying Qi through Kirlian Photography  

Kirlian photography can be used to assess deficiencies in Yin and Yang aspects of Qi

Nightmare at 30,000 Feet

Many travelers feel exhausted and out-of-whack after a long plane flight. For some, it is a nightmare. Without supplemental magnetic…

The Gift of Receiving

The holiday season is upon us. The previous days and weeks have been a worldwide phenomenon of manufacturing and buying…

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