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Oxidative Pollution Series Part 1: The Worldwide Health Epidemic.

When the Sun shines air molecules are hit by high energy photons, sometimes breaking apart to form high energy molecules. …

Two Simple Keys to Self Care in a Post-Medical World

Updated 3/25/2020 Post Coronavirus Update:  CDC and WHO have been telling us that we need to kill viruses on surfaces…

What is Oxidative Pollution?

Oxidative Pollution does not refer to particulates or poisonous gasses. Rather, it is the very high energy that can be…

Our Scientific Scoop on Oxidative Pollution

Learn about the dangers of oxidative pollution facing humanity, as well as the health…

Men’s Health: Understanding the Challenges

My father is in pain. I want to get him something that will improve his health and relieve…

Infratonic Therapy Users Guide

This will probably expand your view as to the possible applications for the CHI Palm. It offers both how it works and reports from people who got excellent results for accelerated recovery.

Nessor Therapy Guide – The Nessor Remembering Project

This shows my research in developing the Nessor. It is great reading to help you get the most out of the Nessor function of the CHI Palm.

Digestive Qi Deficiency in Children

300 children with a variety of digestive disorders were treated with the Infratonic

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