Below is a list of questions and answers regarding our products. Check back frequently as we are continually updating this page.
- All
- Animals
- Battery
- Cellular Trauma
- Charging
- Chronic Pain
- EMF & Oxidative Pollution
- Equitonic
- Guarantee
- Healing
- Health
- History of CHI
- Infratonic
- Oxidative Pollution
- Power Issues
- Repair
- Safety
- Scientific Evidence
- Settings
- Trade-UP Program
- What is Oxidative Pollution?
What People Are Saying
My first encounter with Infratonic therapy was through my chiropractor. I was impressed with how much it helped my condition at the time. I was so impressed that I thought…read more
During deep thought about personal and professional situations that I need to address and sort out, I’ll sit down in my Lazy Boy chair at home, place my CHI Sun…read more
Doom and Gloom – Visible to me only in their absence: For a survivor of domestic violence, the accumulated and normalized adrenal fatigue one carries can cast a perpetual shadow…read more
I used the CHI Sun on Opal, my 13-year-old cat, who had recently started looking and acting old (dull and lifeless fur, low energy). After the very first treatment, Opal’s…read more
I found the CHI Sun so remarkable, I bought 6 more to give as gifts to my daughters and nieces. Plus, I’m ordering another so I have one at home…read more
At the ranch I applied the treatment to a horse who had an infected shoe boil. I noticed a considerable increase in drainage right away which is highly desirable. Within…read more
I have the CHI Palm. I use it regularly on horses. My grandson's horse got cast and had extreme head pain and was fixed in a short time with the…read more
I use it in my practice to treat human and animal patients. The horses in particular love the device. I have the Infratonic model. Protocols are made up of specific…read more
Review the Research
A crowd can become inflamed before charging into battle. Kindling must become inflamed before it…
Discover the benefits of the CHI Palm Infratonic 11: This article explores the technology, research, and science behind this incredible device.
Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the human body that has many important…
Fear and change often cause the brain to shift from focused purposefulness to frazzled jumpiness…
In our setting, our surroundings, we need a challenge or an obstacle. Our surroundings can…
We often take our lives for granted, but not these days. Around the world, there…
What do the terms “Oxidative Pollution” and “Bioelectric Vitality” mean? Oxidative Pollution and Bioelectric Vitality…
From the Blog
A resolution is not what you think. Many believe that resolutions are like fortune cookies,…
What is this strange world in which, if I watch the news, I feel helpless and powerless. But…
Vitality is not best described as big muscles, loudness or aggressiveness. It is…
Do you feel excess stress lately? How are you managing it? Most traditionally try to numb their feelings with alcohol, medications…
Self care is not just about keeping our bodies healthy. it goes beyond our emotional…